Meet Mr. Trash Wheel, a champion for the end of single-use plastics

Baltimore loves its local celebrities. I don’t think I can count the number of Edgar Allen Poe-themed bars and shops I’ve been to in my four years living here. Of course, there’s Natty Boh, the mascot for Baltimore’s favorite local beer, who sits atop the retired brewery tower winking all night at the city (and has a rumored romance with the Utz potato chip girl). And then there’s another googly-eyed persona, who, in addition to boasting over 20,000 followers on Twitter, offers a much needed practical solution to the trash problem in Baltimore’s harbor. His name is Mr. Trash Wheel. And he just celebrated his ninth birthday.

Excerpt & Images from Grist 2023 (Source Link Here)


His Diet Is Garbage, But He's Kinda Cute


This googly-eyed robot has sucked up 4 million pounds of trash from Maryland waterways — see how it works